Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hello everyone! This blog's damn silent eyy? As no one is updating. Well well well. I shall do the honours of updating it then! (=

So Mr Tan hasn't be comming for the last few practices as he is overseas. So, Hafiz took over the band and we were practising for the CNY peformance, which is infact TOMORROW, FRIDAY!! Gees. So quick. And I really want to get it over and done with. Haha.

Now, we're also practising our drills. Some non-bandmembers give us that (O_o) stare, when we're 'hentak kaki'. Hah. Its for the freakin video! Haha. So, yeah. Hope everyone gets the steps and turns right! Haha...Gonna film it after the CNY break.

Yesterday was the Junior Band Practice. And Im proud to say that this batch is like Hafiz batch. Really big. I hope alllll of them stay. Haha.. Oh yeah, we have 4 small girl (like Felicia) flautists, about a dozen(?) clarinetist, and 2 of them are boys! 4 saxaphonists. 2 for alto and 2 tenor. We've abt 5 or 6 trumpeters. 4 hornist. 2 eupho. 4 trombones (^_^) and 1 tuba. Oh! And 2 percussion juniors.

Haha. They're all adorable! =)

Hmm..What else am I suppose to update eyy? Oh yeah. We're peforming tmr. Hope nothing screws up and Hafiz way of conducting is good. Haha. Well, it is good.

So, I'll end my entry here and wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!

*be prepared for the long hours of marching
*and settle your 2006 band fund account asap!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Hi YiYin,

Our practice is on every Tuesday and Friday (Whole Band)
Wednesday (Sec 1)

Venue is at music room.

Hope you get good results 4 ur o-lvl!

Monday, February 5, 2007

hey sweeties :D

Dont mind updating the dates that you guys have practices? Like, what time and stuffs? venue and all ? thanks :D

P.S so maybe ex-seniors will know when they can make it. (:
remember to inform us bout SYF day too. (:
all the best darlings !